Fast Discharge
Chemetron™ offers programmable releasing panels that are compatible with the fast acting smoke detectors to sense fire in its early stages. Upon system release, the Chemetron™ system will discharge the FM-200 Clean-Agent Suppression System in 10 seconds or less. The gaseous agent then spreads then spreads throughout the hazard area to suppress the fire. This fast reaction can mean the difference between a minor incident and a major loss.
Effective Fire Suppression Agent
Similar to Halon 1301, FM-200 agent extinguishes Class A,B, and C fires by interrupting the chemical chain reaction. Additionally, FM-200 agent has the ability to absorb heat, further speeding up the suppression process. In other words, when you opt for FM-200 as compared with other Halon alternatives agents, less agent can do the same job.
Safe in Occupied Spaces
The U.S.EPA has accepted FM-200 for the use in occupied spaces at concentrations up to 9% by volume and up to 10.5% by volume for normally non-occupied spaces. Therefore, people can be evacuated from the protected area in the presence of FM-200 at design concentrations.
Clean Agent Protects Valuable Assets
When protecting valuable assets or sensitive equipment, FM-200 agent stands above conventional agents. Unlike dry chemical, FM-200 is a colorless, odorless gas that leaves no residue to clean up. Unlike water, FM-200 is an electrically nonconductive agent that will not short-out electronic equipment. And unlike the very cold discharge of carbon dioxide, FM-200 will not thermally shock delicate circuitry.