Product Details

Notifier Onyx™ 3030

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The NFS-3030 is an intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panel designed for medium- to large-scale facilities. Fire emergency detection and evacuation are extremely critical to life safety, and the NFS-3030 is ideally suited for these applications. The NFS-3030 is part of the ONYX Series of products from NOTIFIER.

The NFS-3030 is ideal for virtually any application because it features a modular design that is configured per project requirements. With one to ten Signaling Line Circuits (SLCs), the NFS-3030 supports up to 3,180 intelligent addressable devices. Information is critical to fire evacuation personnel, and the NFS-3030’s large 640-character Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) presents vital information to operators concerning a fire situation, fire progression, and evacuation details.
A host of other options are available, including single- or multi-channel voice; firefighters telephone; LED, LCD, or PC-based graphic annunciators; fire or integration networking; advanced detection products for challenging environments, and many additional options.

Intelligent 1-To 10-Loop Fire Alarm Control Panels Features:
  • 1-10 Signaling Line Circuits Style 4, 6 or 7.
  • Point Capacity:Up to 159 detectors (any ix of ion, photo, laser photo, thermal, or ulti-sensor)and 159 modules (N.O.manual stations, two-wire smoke, notification, or relay)per SLC.
  • Large 640-character LCD backlit display (16 lines x 40 characters)or displayless (a node on a network).
  • NOTIFIRENET ™ compatible.
  • UniNet ™ compatible.
  • Built-in Alarm, Trouble, Security, and Supervisory relays.
  • Up to 96 input or output panel circuits per FACP or network node; circuits configurable online.
  • Application code is saved in Flash memory, eliminating the need to change EPROMs.
  • Built-in Degraded Mode option. In the event of a CPU failure the loop control modules will continue to monitor fire alarm conditions.
  • Weekly Occupancy Schedules allow changing sensitivity by time of day and day of week.
  • Optional universal 2040-point DACT.
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