
Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire

Please complete promptly the survey below.
Personal Information
Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire

1. How satisfied are you overall with the service/product you received?

2. How satisfied are you with the speed in which the service/product was delivered ?

3. How satisfied are you with our delivery on-time performance to meet your delivery expectations ?

4. How satisfied are you with our delivery on-time performance to meet your delivery expectations ?

5. How satisfied are you with the courtesy, helpfulness of the staff/salesman ?

6. How satisfied are you with the staff/salesman showed interest in you as an individual/treated as a valued customer ?

7. How satisfied are you with the understanding showed by our salesmen to your needs and requirements ?

8. How satisfied are you with our customer service in terms of responsiveness, accuracy of answers and product knowledge ?

9. Product variety and selection broadness ?

10. User instruction/manual & product data sheet availability ?

11. Price in relation to other market competitors ?

12. How satisfied are you the time taken to respond to your inquiries or/and request of purchase or/and quotation processing ?

13. How satisfied are you the time taken to respond to your inquiries or/and request of purchase or/and quotation processing ?

14. How satisfied are you with the after-sales technical support

15. How satisfied are you with our response to your complaints and warranty claims ?

Heba Fire & Safety THANK YOU